Katamari Forever Trophy Guide

воскресенье 12 апреляadmin

This will break apart your Katamari, keep doing so until you have broken it at least 50 times, and then hit sqaure to stop rolling and return to village square for the trophy. Photographer Viewed a photo in the Photo Album. For Katamari Forever on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'EU/PAL trophies?'

Item description:
Play 'Wake up the King' on Eternal mode and pop ~85% trophies
Katamari Speedster
We Love Cousins
Present Collector
Huge Katamari
Big Katamari
Turned Katamari into Stardust
First Katamari
Cousin Friendly
Fashion Concious
Movie Fan
Rolling Expert
Music Lover
Rankings Lover (check the network)
We Love Stardust
Katamari Fanatic
Eternal Roller
Enormous Roller (make a ball over 2,000,000 km) There will come a point around 1,980,000 km that you need to speed (both sticks back and forth) and jump (press R2) to get some of the stardust to put you into 2,000,000km range.
Play one mini-game
Fail Hot Stuff Request
These you have to do Alone: Guide
Katamari Destroyer
Destroyed the katamari 50 times before completing a Request.
This is best done on an eternal level, so go to any level you have unlocked eternal on, start it up and pick up a lot of stuff, and then go to a wall, or moving object that is bigger then you and let yourself get hit or speed into the wall. This will break apart your Katamari, keep doing so until you have broken it at least 50 times, and then hit sqaure to stop rolling and return to village square for the trophy.
Viewed a photo in the Photo Album.
In the second stage under RoboKing, roll the Royal Present (Which is on top of a table, very hard to miss if you explore the very small house in a large size) which is a Camera. After the level is completed, restart it and when your playing press L1, then X and take a picture, now exit the level and go to your 'Katamari Collection' in the village square and view the picture, then exit for the trophy.
Performed the Prince Hop exactly 7 times before completing a Request.
Do this on an Eternal level, just so you won't have to worry about doing an extra one by accident, or completing the request but only doing 6 hops. Enter an Eternal level, do 7 hops by pressing either R2 or moving the sixaxis controller up, and then hit square to finish the level.
Fast Roller
Performed the Dash exactly 6 times before completing a Request.
Do this on an Eternal level, just so you won't have to worry about doing an extra one by accident, or completing the request but only doing 5 dashes. Enter an Eternal level, and do 6 dashes, by moving the analog sticks back and forth opposite of each other, then hit square to finish the level.
Quick Turn Expert
Performed the Quick Turn exactly 5 times before completing a Request.
Do this on an Eternal level, just so you won't have to worry about doing an extra one by accident, or completing the request but only doing 4 quick turns. Enter an Eternal level and do 5 quick turns by clicking the analog sticks over and over so your character completely turns around the Katamari. Then hit square to exit the level.
From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Katamari Forever Table of Contents Walkthrough

99vidas walkthrough Steam Achievements AchievementNo germs are fast enough to keep you from grabbing a bite from the floor (Secret)5-second ruleBeat the First Boss (Secret)8-bitUse a total of 99 lives in game (cumulative through multiple playthroughs) (Secret)99lives. 99Vidas Cheats For PC. Steam Achievements AchievementNo germs are fast enough to keep you from grabbing a bite from the floor (Secret)5-second ruleBeat the First Boss (Secret)8-bitUse a total of 99 lives in game (cumulative through multiple playthroughs) (Secret)99lives. 99Vidas Cheats For Linux.

Table of Contents

There are 33 trophies, 10 of which are secret, consisting of one 4: Platinum, six 3: Gold, six 2: Silver and 20 1: Bronze.


Platinum KatamariCollected all trophies.4: Platinum
Congratulations!Completed all Requests in Katamari Forever mode.3: Gold
Katamari SpeedsterCompleted all Requests in Katamari Drive mode.3: Gold
CompletistCompleted 100% of the Collection.3: Gold
We Love CousinsRolled up all Cousins.3: Gold
Present CollectorCollected all Presents.3: Gold
Enormous KatamariYou made a katamari over 2,000,000km!2: Silver
EndurerObtained 50,000 points in the punishment mini-game.2: Silver
Hi-ScorerObtained 50,000 points in the ending mini-game.2: Silver
Huge KatamariCreated a katamari over 10,000km.1: Bronze
Big KatamariCreated a katamari over 500m.1: Bronze
StardustTurned a katamari into stardust.1: Bronze
First KatamariCompleted a Request.1: Bronze
CollectorCompleted 80% of the Collection.1: Bronze
Cousin FriendlyRolled up 30 Cousins.1: Bronze
Fashion ConsciousCollected 30 Presents.1: Bronze
Movie FanWatched 5 movies in a row in Movies.1: Bronze
MultiplayerPlayed through VS Battle or Co-op 30 times.1: Bronze
Katamari DestroyerDestroyed the katamari 50 times before completing a Request.1: Bronze
Rolling ExpertRolled up 7,650 objects before completing a Request.1: Bronze
Mini-GamerPlayed through all mini-games.1: Bronze
Music LoverListened to 5 songs in Music.1: Bronze
PhotographerViewed a photo in the Photo Album.1: Bronze


Katamari FanaticCompleted all Requests in Classic Katamari mode.3: Gold
Eternal RollerCompleted all Requests in Eternal mode.2: Silver
We Love StardustTurn 50 katamaris into dust.2: Silver
CreatorCreated 200 katamaris.2: Silver
Single PlayerPlayed though 50 single player Requests in a row.1: Bronze
HopperPerformed the Prince Hop exactly 7 times before completing a Request.1: Bronze
Fast RollerPerformed the Dash exactly 6 times before completing a Request.1: Bronze
Quick Turn ExpertPerformed the Quick Turn exactly 5 times before completing a Request.1: Bronze
Rankings LoverViewed the Network Rankings 5 times.1: Bronze
UnforgivingPunished over 50 times.1: Bronze

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